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At Etz Chayim, we enourage active involvement in our community through participation and volunteering.
Attend Services – your participation is important. We have no cantor, so you can add your own flair and intention to how we sing and pray. We hold services every Shabbat at 7:30 pm on Friday and 10:00 am on Saturday.
Lead Services, Read Torah, or Deliver a D'var Torah – Services are lay led about one Shabbat each month. Click here if you think you might be interested in leading a Shabbat service. Even if you haven’t chanted Torah trope since your own Bar or Bat Mitzvah – if ever – you can learn to do so. It can be done either in the traditional Hebrew or in English to the same trope.Click here for more information or to sign up. Many of our members have something to say about the weekly Torah portion or the state of the world! Click here if you're interested in delivering a D'var Torah during a Friday night Shabbat service.
Host an Oneg - all of our onegs are hosted by our members. Interested in hosting an oneg in honor of a simcha, in memory of a loved one, or just because? Click here for more information or to sign up.
Attend Torah Study or Other Adult Learning Classes - Torah study is held every Saturday morning at 9:00. No Hebrew or Torah background necessary. Just drop in. Watch our calendar for other adult learning opportunities.
The Mitzvah Chavurah reaches out to fellow congregants who need assistance. They provide support by bringing meals, running errands, organizing Shiva minyanim, providing rides, and helping out in whatever way they can. Click here if you'd like to participate or if you need help.
You might also be interested in joining the board or a committee or one of our many interest groups.
Fri, March 28 2025
28 Adar 5785