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Interest Groups

Every group or project on this list is a result of a member’s initiative. Look through it and make a connection by asking Ellen Bob, our Executive Director, to make an introduction for you. If you have an idea for a group that’s not on this list yet, talk to Ellen about how to make it happen.

AdventurEtz gets together for hiking, bird watching and other outdoor activities.  For more information contact Steve Branz.
The EtzBookWorms meets on the second Sunday of the month at 4:30pm unless it conflicts with a holiday. The Etz Bookworms read and share books with Jewish themes, including recent titles and literary classics.
If interested in joining the Google email list etzbookworms@googlegroups.com send an email to Etzbookworms+subscribe@googlegroups.com.
  • After sending the email, watch your email for messages from EtzBookworms@googlegroups.com that ask you to join the group.
  • There will be either one or two messages depending on whether you are subscribing with a gmail account.  (You do not need a gmail account to subscribe to this group.)
  • When you receive the message, just press REPLY and SEND. Do Not press the BLUE button.
  • If you have questions, send an email to EtzHelpLists@gmail.com
Contemplative Services are a monthly member-led service for those wishing an alternative to the faster-paced regular Etz Chayim service. It follows the basic structure of the Shabbat service, focusing on fewer prayers, that are chanted and set with intentions. 
Drumming and Song Circle

This is a group that joins together to chant Jewish prayers and songs to the heartbeat of live percussion. We will teach some basic drumming patterns for those that want to drum along or play other types or percussion. 

Kol Yisrael is dedicated to connecting Etzniks with the many facets of Israeli society and exploring Israel-US relations. Programming is evolving, so you’re encouraged to bring your ideas and passions!

Healing Circle – Welcome to a safe sacred space to address your good health. The purpose of our gatherings is to support you in awakening to the fullness of your innate vitality. You will receive an energy healing for your physical, emotional, and/or spiritual self. “Energy flows where attention goes.” Only you will know where to direct the flow of your energy. With the experience of the energetic self-healing method you will then have a new tool for your continued self-care. We meet on the 1st Monday of the month – 7:30-8:30 pm, and the 3rd Saturday of the month – 1:00-2:00 pm, all in the Library. Click here to let us know when you would like to try this unique practice for adults.

 Mah Jongg hosts drop-in games the first Monday of the month at 10:30.
The Men’s Group invites the men in our community to develop friendships and serve our community.  We meet monthly for a bagel brunch where we can share major events in our lives. 
The Men’s Retreat offers an annual opportunity for greater connection among participants, a deeper experience of community at Etz, and a sharing of our Jewish identity and spiritual experience / expression. 
Women’s Retreat offers a Spirituality Retreat each summer and other programming throughout the year.
LinkdinNetworking: Etz Chayim of Palo Alto Professional Networking Havurah is the LinkedIn group for professional networking at Etz Chayim to build community, stay in contact, develop and foster professional networking relationships. Check out this page . If you are a member of Etz Chayim and already registered on LinkedIn, click here to join the group
Next Gen Etz - is a Jewish community in their their 20’s and 30’s affiliated with Congregation Etz Chayim.  We participate in the life of the Etz Chayim community by holding member led events to explore our connections to Judaism and each other. Next Gen is proud to affiliate with Congregation Etz Chayim, but everyone is welcome. No affiliation or membership to Etz Chayim or any other organization is necessary. Click here to request additional information or to be added to our list.
EtzPeople - etzpeople@googlegroups.com is an opt-in google group for member-to-member communication focused on information sharing for the purpose of:
  • Recruiting volunteers to support the congregation, other non-profits, and individual members (such as meals, tutors, rides, clothing)
  • Distributing information that needs to go out quickly (such as a Zoom link correction after office hours)
  • Seeking advice and referrals (such as household repairs, professional expertise, lodging)
  • Offering resources (such as produce and fruit from one's garden, free items)
  • Sharing information of interest to members.
(Do not use the list for self-promotion, political advocacy, and personal fund-raising)

To join EtzPeople@googlegroups.com  send an email to EtzPeople+subscribe@googlegroups.com 
  • After sending the email, watch your email for messages from EtzPeople@googlegroups.com that ask you to join the group.
  • There will be either one or two messages depending on whether you are subscribing with a gmail account.  (You do not need a gmail account to subscribe to this group.)
  • When you receive the message, just press REPLY and SEND. Do Not press the BLUE button.
  • If you have questions, send an email to EtzHelpLists@gmail.com 
Ruach Dance* - Join us in trying out a new way of engaging in prayer and experiencing community -- through free-form movement, guided meditation/ecstatic dance (the kind you'd do when no one is watching). Have fun and find something greater than yourself through movement to beautiful music, with kavannah (intention) that draws on Jewish texts and ideas. *Not current but will start up in the summer.
Etz Women share information and experiences; invite people to community events; propose questions and seek answers; provide support and build bonds with one another. It is not used for self-promotion, political advocacy, or personal fund-raising. To join EtzWomen@googlegroups.com  send an email to EtzWomen+subscribe@googlegroups.com 
  • After sending the email, watch your email for messages from ETZWomen@googlegroups.com that ask you to join the group.
  • There will be either one or two messages depending on whether you are subscribing with a gmail account.  (You do not need a gmail account to subscribe to this group.)
  • When you receive the message, just press REPLY and SEND. Do Not press the BLUE button.
  • If you have questions, send an email to EtzHelpLists@gmail.com 
Yiddish Choristers meet Thursday evenings on Zoom to sing Yiddish songs, with an occasional Ladino ballad thrown in for fun. Free sing-alongs.


Fri, March 28 2025 28 Adar 5785