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Social Action/Tikkun Olam Community (Areivut) Resources

Local/Bay Area Services

 Project WeHOPE (EIN# 4-3342713)

• Helping people become healthy, employed and housed
• Transitional/Supportive Housing Programs
• Dignity on Wheels Mobile Hygiene Outreach Program
• H.O.P.E. Jobs: free certification courses
• Dignity @ Work: supports formerly incarcerated individuals

NEEDS Money; Time; Goods (non-food items such as fleece blankets, linens, underwear/white socks, bath tissue, hygiene kits, first aid kits, laundry detergent pods, office supplies, etc.); Professional Services (resume writing, interview prep, administrative help, building maintenance)

LifeMoves: Breaking the Cycle of Homelessness (EIN# 77-0160469)

Provides interim housing and supportive services for homeless families and individuals

NEEDS money, meals, holiday parties, Halloween costumes, etc.

There with Care (EIN# 45-3952029)

Helping families and children facing critical illness

NEEDS money, non-perishable food, new/used infant clothing, baby carriers, strollers, books, activities, cleaning supplies, soap, toothpaste, etc. Professional services: transportation, therapy, house cleaning, laundry, legal assistance, etc. 

Housing Trust Silicon Valley (EIN# 77-0545135)

Leading the effort to create a strong affordable housing market in the greater Bay Area as one of the region’s highest-volume non-profit housing lenders Serving the homeless to first-time homebuyers, they assist a wide range of residents with programs across the entire spectrum of housing issues. NEEDS Opportunities to donate and invest

Second Harvest Food Bank (EIN# 77-032i6685)

Ensure anyone who needs a healthy meal can get one. (1 in 10 people in Silicon Valley receive food from SHFB) NEEDS money, food, volunteers (individual and group opportunities) (Note: Food bins located in the Etz lobby) 
Peninsula Volunteers www.penvol.org Provide innovative services and house to support aging adults in the mid-peninsula and Silicon Valley. Programs include senior day centers and housing in Menlo Park, Meals on Wheels, and more.

NEEDS money, activities helpers, yoga instructor (certified), meals on wheels drivers, and more 

Abode Services (EIN#94-3087060)

Secures permanent homes for individuals and families experiencing homelessness. Specialize in partnering with local government, community groups and foundations. Provide services to more than 9000 people across Alameda, Santa Clara, Santa Cruz, San Mateo and Napa counties.

NEEDS Tours of shelters to get a behind-the-scene look at their programs, meal preparation, tutoring and leading children’s activities, sort/store donated items, office/front desk support, holiday events, and more 

Samaritan House (EIN#23-7416272)

Working to counter poverty in San Mateo County. Services for housing & shelter, food, children’s program, health & dental programs, case management, worker resources, financial empowerment.

NEEDS  money, volunteers (including medical providers, food preparation, sort clothing, etc.), donation drives, etc. Opportunities available for individuals and groups, including children's activities.

Dress for Success (EIN#20-3905776)

Empowering women to achieve economic independence by providing a network of support, professional attire and development tools.

NEEDS  money; gently used women’s professional clothes 

Education Loan Finance (ELFI) EIN#62-1586836

An organization designed to assist borrowers with student loan refinancing as well as undergraduate, graduate, and parent-private student loans. Having student loans at age 65 or close to it can be incredibly stressful, but it's surprisingly common.  Here is a guide to help retirement-aged individuals navigate student load debt repayment options.

Where to Donate Eyeglasses (multiple locations)

Family Giving Tree (EIN#77-0284682) 

Provides holiday wish drive and backpack back-to-school drive NEEDS money, time (volunteers sort and pack gifts and backpacks seasonally). 

West Valley Community Services (EIN#94-2211685)

Provide critical food, housing and support services in west Santa Clara Country.

NEEDS money, volunteers, host canned food drive, donate food, diapers 

Jewish Family and Children’s Services (EIN#94-1156528)

Strengthening individuals, families, community. Multitude of services: for children (Parents Place, parenting education, Child Training Institute, specialized services for children), for youth (including Impact Year, internships, summer programs, scholarships and loans, Holocaust education), for adults and families (counseling and consultation, adoptions, LGBTQ services, grief and bereavement, domestic violence prevention, emergency family assistance, nutrition program, JFCS Food bank, High Holiday food drive, holiday programs), for Seniors (Seniors at Home, home/dementia/palliative care, fiduciary services, transportation and meals) and more!

NEEDS money, volunteer, English practice, citizen pathways, case aides, childcare assistants, food bank volunteers, holiday outreach and food delivery, food bank shoppers) 

The Princess Project (EIN#20-1392257)

Provides free prom dresses and accessories to teens that could not otherwise afford them.

NEEDS   money; volunteers to help sort dresses, host dress drives, help as a  “personal shopper” during  giveaway days; donations of prom and other formal or fancy party dresses. 

Homeless Children’s Network (EIN#94-326686)

Empowering children, youth and families to decrease the trauma of homelessness and domestic violence

NEEDS money, volunteer time, and more. 

Sunnyvale Community Services (EIN#94-1713897)

Preventing Homelessness and Hunger in Sunnyvale. Also provide emergency services and food.

NEEDS  money, donations of shelf-stable food, toiletries, hygiene supplies, new socks/underwear, holiday gifts, school backpacks, and more 

Farming Hope (EIN#83-2393341)

Community organization providing transitional employment and training in the culinary industry to unhoused and low income people. (spin-out from Stanford’s FEED Design School Incubator).

NEEDS  money, people to eat at their restaurant: Manny’s, 3092 16th Street, SF 

Ecumenical Hunger Program (EIN#94-2476942)

Provide compassionate, dignified and practical assistance to families and individuals experiencing economic and personal hardship. Material help, support service and advocacy.

NEEDS  money, volunteers (food closet, clothing closet, gardening, clerical, website/social media 

Cake4Kids (EIN#45-3148916)

Works with agencies to identify and deliver cakes (or other baked treats) to underserved kids in group homes, human trafficking shelters, low-income housing, and/or homeless. Bakers do not meet the kids served. NEEDS  bakers! To make fun treats for kids. 

Wardrobe for Opportunity  (Oakland/Walnut Creek) (EIN#68-0369734)

Wardrobe for Opportunity works in partnership with community organizations to assist Low-income individuals in their efforts to Find a Job, Keep a Job, and Build a Career.

NEEDS  money; donations of gently used men’s and women’s professional clothes  

Bay Area Shared Housing

HIP Housing (San Mateo Country) (EIN#94-2154614)

Home sharing, Self-sufficiency, and Property Development programs

NEEDS  rooms in homes (rent paid), money, in-kind donations, time volunteers, holiday programs, consignment donations, furniture, etc. 

Lots of Love (EIN#82-2012198)

Working with faith-based organizations to provide a safe place for people living in RVs or cars an overnight parking space along with access to some building facilities. Developed by Joe Simitian. Etz Members Lisa Rattner and David Bergen are involved with them. 

Catholic Charities Santa Clara County (EIN#94-2762269)

House sharing program for Santa Clara County residents. 

Sacred Heart (San Jose) (EIN#23-7179787)

Sacred Heart Community Service brings our community together to address poverty in Silicon Valley. Through a comprehensive array of community organizing committees, mutual support programs, and resources, we are working together to improve our lives

Also provides services for immigrants. 

Back on My Feet (EIN#26-2108909)

National organization combating homelessness through the power of running, community support and essential employment and housing resources.

NEEDS  money, early morning runners (3 teams in SF), volunteer on race day (work a water stop),Update this content.

Helping Families from the Border in the Bay Area

PACT, San Jose, CA

PACT: People Acting in Community Together, is a multi-faith, grassroots organization that provides leadership training and experience to community members of many different ethnic, religious and socio-economic backgrounds. Through PACT, people work together to solve the most pervasive social problems of our day. 

Freedom for Immigrants (Oakland)

Support hotline, translation or interpretation, visit people in detention, recruit volunteers, fundraising, host/supporting asylum seekers in your community, providing transportation, witness the processes, etc. to help end immigrant detention. 

International Rescue Committee (IRC)  (San Jose + national)

The International Rescue Committee provides opportunities for refugees, asylees, victims of human trafficking, survivors of torture, and other immigrants to thrive in America. Each year, thousands of people, forced to flee violence and persecution, are welcomed by the people of the United States into the safety and freedom of America. These individuals have survived against incredible odds. The IRC works with government bodies, civil society actors, and local volunteers to help them translate their past experiences into assets that are valuable to their new communities. In San Jose and other offices across the country, the IRC helps them to rebuild their lives. 

Nueva Esperanza

Interfaith Movement for Human Integrity’s Nueva Esperanza Accompaniment Team (NEAT) program trains small teams within faith communities to walk alongside recently arrived immigrants. Include: navigating legal processes, teaching English, transitional housing, medical care, enrolling in school, finding employment, etc. Working toward families’ goals, create sanctuary, safety, and friendship in community. 

Jewish Family & Child Services – East Bay

Serves refugees from around the world, particularly focusing on those who have experienced persecution based on their religion, ethnicity, sexual orientation or gender identity. Community Legal Services in East Palo Alto https://clsepa.org/ Community Legal Services is a nonprofit offering legal services that improve the lives of low-income families throughout the region. Specialize in immigration, housing, workers’ rights, records clearance, and consumer protection. 

SF-CAIRS (San Francisco Coalition of Asylee, Immigrant and Refugee Services)

Provides a collective voice for immigrant issues, networking opportunities, resources for immigrants and providers, forum for collaboration and funding opportunities. 

At the Border

Annunciation House (El Paso/Juarez)

Hope Border Institute

Al Otro Lado
Via Libra Bond Fund

Amplify the Children https://www.project-amplify.org/

Immigrant Legal Resource Center


The Refugee Health Alliance

One Justice


Kids in Need of Defense (KIND)

The Tahirih Justice Center (Virginia) 

Centro Legal de la Raza

HIAS refugee settlement

Human Rights watch

Close the Camps Choir (SF)

Lawyers for Good Government

American Immigration Lawyers Association

Pro bono legal opportunities:

Your Government Representatives

Federal: Senate
Dianne Feinstein
Email Senator Feinstein

Kamala Harris

Congress: to find your rep: https://www.house.gov/representatives/find-yourrepresentative

District 14: (most of) San Mateo County
Jackie Speier

District 17: Sunnyvale, Cupertino, Santa Clara: Ro Khanna https://khanna.house.gov/contact/email

District 18: Palo Alto/Menlo Park: Anna Eshoo https://eshoo.house.gov/contact/

District 19: South Santa Clara Co: Zoe Lofgren https://lofgren.house.gov/contact/email .

California To find your rep:

District 13 San Mateo Co/North Santa Clara Co: Jerry Hill

District 15 South Santa Clara Co: Jim Beall

Assembly members: District 22 SSF to RWC: Kevin Mullin

District 24 Palo Alto/MP/MV/Svale: Marc Berman

District 28 SJ/Campbell/LG: Evan Low

Fri, March 28 2025 28 Adar 5785