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High Holy Days Audio Guide

Rosh Hashanah 2019 (5780) Sheet Music and Transliterations

Click here for Single PDF for Sheet Music and transliterations for the following:
- Zochreinu l’chayim,
- Achat sha’alti,
- Adon Olam melody (Dror yikra niggun), 
- Haleluya (Psalm 148:1-6),
- Ilu Fina (3 Part), 
- Ufros

Rosh Hashanah (Links to YouTube Videos and Audio Files)

-Zochreinu L' Chaim · Congregation Bet Haverim Wheels Within Wheels YouTube Video   

-D'ror Yikra niggun Audio File (we'll use it for Adon Olam ) Melody sung by Elie Kaunfer and Rachel Forster 

-Psalm 148 Haleluya YouTube Video (Nava Tehila)

-Ilu Finu YouTube Video (3 parts) 
Note: Rabbi Miriam Margles, the composer of this beautiful melody is on left of the screen wearing a grey blouse, short hair and is leading the group 
-Ilu Finu By Rabbi Miriam Margles as sung by Rabbi Jessica Lenza YouTube Video (one part at a time with transliteration)
-Ilu Finu Words and Transliteration

Yom Kippur

-Nishmat Kol Chai YouTube Video (Joey Weisenberg) (Words start at 47 seconds)
-Nishmat Kol Chai Words and Transliteration

-K'Shehalev Bocheh - Shema Israel Song YouTube Video  (sung by well-known Israeli singer Sarit Hadad)
-K'Shehalev Bocheh Words and Transliteration

-El Norah Alilah YouTube Video   (our version is slightly different but it's close)
-El Norah Alilah Words and Transliteration 

YouTube Videos



High Holiday Songs led by Rabbi Ari Cartun with Guitar (Page references to old Machzor)

Kiddush for Rosh Hashana

Shehecheyanu (NFTY)

Esa Einay

Avinu Malkeinu

BaShana HaBa'ah 

Mah Tovu (round)

Hineh Mah Tov (round)

Havah Nashirah (round)


V'Ha'eir Eyneynu


Ad0nay Sfatay Tiftach (Amidah - beginning)

Kedusha Responses

Yihyu L;Ratzon (End of Amidah)


Torah Service - Take Torah Out

TorahService - Put Torah Back

Shofar Service - Areshet S'Fateynu


Eli Eli

Yom Kippur Confession - Ashamnu 

Yom KippurConfession -  v'AlKulam

Kol Ha'Olam Kulo

By The Waters Of Babylon (round)


haTikva (sung by Al Jolson)


Birkat HaKohanim – Priest Blessings

Fri, March 28 2025 28 Adar 5785