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The Israel Declaration of Independence states that Israel "will foster the development of the country for the benefit of all its inhabitants; it will be based on freedom, justice and peace as envisaged by the prophets of Israel; it will ensure complete equality of social and political rights to all its inhabitants irrespective of religion, race or sex; it will guarantee freedom of religion, conscience, language, education and culture; it will safeguard the Holy Places of all religions; and it will be faithful to the principles of the Charter of the United Nations."

Here is a list of organizations that is consistent with these aspirations.

Israeli Organizations Etzniks Support


A Land for All A Land for All is a shared movement of Israelis and Palestinians who believe that the way towards peace, security and stability for all passes through two independent states, Israel and Palestine.
Achvat Amim Solidarity of Nations - Achvat Amim is a movement-building platform that provides frameworks and programs for young adults to engage in meaningful partnerships with Palestinians and Israelis in the movement for self-determination for all. 
Adi Negev - Nachalat Eran (partner agency of JNF-USA) Re-hab hospital- services for profoundly handicapped when they age out of social services at age 18
AJEEC-NISPED AJEEC-NISPED (Arab-Jewish Center for Empowerment, Equality, and Cooperation – Negev Institute for Strategies of Peace and Economic Development) is an Arab-Jewish organization for social change that was established in the Negev in 2000. The organization is made up of a joint team of Arabs and Jews who work together to create an equal, shared society, which allows Arabs and Jews to coexist while preserving their identity and culture.
Ameinu Progressive Zionism
American Friends of Magen David Adom Israel's national emergency medical, disaster, ambulance and blood bank service. In the United States, disaster relief, ambulance, and blood services are handled by an array of organizations. In Israel, there's one organization that does it all -Magen David Adom.
Beit Tifilah Israeli Beit Tefilah Israeli is a creative, innovative and inclusive Jewish-Israeli grassroots community and organization that offers meaningful Jewish ritual, study, activism and a sense of belonging to the general Israeli public. During the summer they have free, outdoor Friday Evening Services at the port in Tel Aviv.
Bina Jewish Movement for Social Change
Combatants for Peace  Palestinians and Israelis who were combatants and now want to serve as roll models for peace
Daniel Centers for Progressive Judaism Embrace Reform Judaism and build an Israeli society that promotes tolerance, inclusivity, and equality.
ERAN (Emotional First Aid) ERAN provides Lifesaving Emotional First Aid Services, offering initial response and emotional support on the phone and online, while maintaining strict confidentiality and anonymity.  There are more than 1,600 ERAN volunteers in 13 branches throughout the country, from Tel Hai in the nort to Beer Sheva in the south, and 4 Branches in North American and Australia, providing response 24 hours a day, all year round. ERAN needs vvolunteers in all languages! To volunteer click here
Friends of Yad Sarah Lending medical & Rehabilitative equipment
HaBayit shel Benji Lone Soldiers-Benji Hilman Foundation - Ra'anana
Hadassah  Helping women find their voices to advance health equity, and fight hate, and model shared society in Israel. Thanks to the medical system in Israel  Hadassah helped create new treatments and scientific breakthroughs that  have saved lives around the world. 
Givat Haviva Givat Haviva is a civil society organization for social change associated with the Havatzelet Group. They strive to create a model society in Israel, emphasizing the importance of a Jewish and Arab shared society
Hand in Hand Bilingual Education
Healing Across the Divides Improving the health of marginalized Israelis and all Palestinians
IsraAid Support people affected by humanitarian crisis
Jewish National Fund Ensure a strong, secure, and prosperous future for the land and people of Israel
Jerusalem Youth Chorus The Jerusalem Youth Chorus is an Israeli-Palestinian music and dialogue project that has been providing a space for young people from East and West Jerusalem to grow together in song and dialogue since 2012. 
Kibbutz Hannaton In Hannaton, Orthodox, Conservative, Reform, religious or secular families live together, all with a connection to Jewish tradition. The Mikveh-Shmaya is open to all.
Kids4Peace Jerusalem Programs for Jewish, Christian & Muslim youth 
Koolulam Koolulam is a social musical initiative aimed at empowering communities and strengthening the fabric of society. Through collaborative creative experiences,  Koolulam brings together people of different backgrounds, cultures, faiths and geographies. 
Kuchinate Kuchinate helps African Asylum seekers in Israel.
Lada'at - Choose Well Promots reproductive rights and healthy sexuality in Israel through counseling, education, and activism.
Leket The national food bank - surplus, nutritous food is rescued and direct to those who need it
LOTEM (partner of JNF-USA) Nature education center in Galilee- accessible trails for visually handicapped, wheelchair bound or intellectually challenged
Masorti Foundation for Conservative Judaism in Israel Supports egalitarian, inclusive Judaism in Israel
Medical Wadi Arab-Jewish center for promoting public health in the Wadi Aara area
New Israel Fund Achieve equality for all the citizens of the state regardless of religion, national origin, race, gender or sexual orientation
Parents Circle Family Forum Joint Israeli-Palestinian bereaved families who chose reconciliation rather than revenge
Polyphony Bridge divide between Arab and Jewish communities through Music
Project Rozana Rozana's mission is to promote cooperation between Palestinians and Israelis in the field of healthcare. We aim to address barriers to healthcare through joint Israeli-Palestinian initiatives. One example is Israelis and Palestinians working together to take Palestinian women and children safely across the border to hospitals in Israel for life-saving healthcare. Then taking them safely back to their homes.  
Society for the Protection of Nature in Israel Environmental organization that helps establish Israel as a green beacon of hope for the world.
Special in Uniform (partner of JNF-USA) Extends IDF service to handicapped
Standing Together A grassroots social movement
United Hatzalah Free, volunteer-based, first responder emergency medical services
Women of the Wall Attain social and legal recognition of the right, as women, to wear prayer shawls, pray, and read from the Torah, collectively and aloud, at the Western Wall.
Women Wage Peace Israeli and Palestinian Mothers for Peace, Security and Freedom
Worker's Hotline (Kav LaOved) Kav LaOved is a non-profit which aims to uphold full and equal labor rights for all worker in the Israeli labor market regardless of religion, nationality, gender or legal status. We advocate on behalf of the most marginalized workers, namely low-income Israeli citizens, refugees and asylum-seekers, Palestinians and migrant workers.
World Zionist Organization The World Zionist Organization is committed to promoting the Zionist idea and the Zionist enterprise as vital and positive elements of contemporary Jewish life, in accordance with the principles articulated in the Jerusalem Program. 
Yad Lakashish Lifeline for the Old - new online shop
ZAKA Hebrew acronym for Disaster Victim identification
Z3 Project Promote a stronger relationship between Diaspora Jewry and Israel.


Volunteer Programs

Skilled Volunteers for Israel  

English B’Yachad (EBY) volunteers provide online English tutoring to young adults from underserved communities in Israel seeking improved English skills to access better job opportunities in the Israeli labor market. 

 Sar-El (Volunteers for Israel) Only volunteer program that situates volunteers directly on Israel Defense Force (IDF)  bases to work side by side with soldiers. The purpose is to build a stronger link between the IDF and the Diaspora.
Fri, March 28 2025 28 Adar 5785