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Adult Bar/t Mitzvah 2025-2026

Adult Bar/t Mitzvah 2025-2026
Tuesdays 7:15 - 8:45 pm

Register below for the Core program and the
skills-based components you are interested in.

Core Jewish Learning  $270
Every other Tuesday evening 7:15-8:45, begins January 14, 2025
This course will cover many aspects of Jewish history, culture, theology, practice, prayer, tradition, and, of course, holidays!
  • 18 1.5-hour sessions from January through November (one session in June, none in July)
  • in-person and online with reading assignments in between

Basic Hebrew Reading/Decoding  $105
Every other Tuesday evening 7:15-8:45, begins January 21
For people who want to be able to read from the Torah and the Hebrew in our prayer books.
  • 7 1.5-hour sessions from January to April
  • in-person and online with practice assignments in between

Service Leading $75
Every other Tuesday evening 7:15-8:45, begins April 29
For people who want to lead a service (with or without reading from the Torah)
  • 5 1.5 hour sessions from April to June
  • in person

Learning Trop $90 
For people who want to learn trop and to chant from the Torah at an Adult Bar/t Mitzvah service on January 17 or January 24, 2026
  • approximately six sessions in the fall, after High Holy Days

For confidential conversation regarding tuition costs, please reach out to Ellen Bob.

We look forward to learning together.

Tue, March 11 2025 11 Adar 5785