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Adult Learning in the Sukkah: How Not to Build a Sukkah and Other Tales with Rabbi Emeritus Ari Cartun

Thursday, October 5, 2023 20 Tishrei 5784

7:00 PM - 9:00 PM

Sukkot is nicknamed "the time of our simchah/happiness", so we'll have a little fun with Sukkot facts and fancies from 2000-year-old stories and a few more modern sukkot escapades. Is it a sukkah or a succah? Can we call it a Shake Shack? How do we say lulav in English? Why was Queen Esther like a lulav? Why does the Torah not describe the sukkot the Israelites lived in during the Exodus? And, why does the Talmud describe them? Why are there so many different versions of a succah? When is the best time to buy sukkah decorations? And, hear the real story behind all the sukkot that Rabbi Cartun built around Stanford dormitories and how he learned the most dangerous part of a sukkah.

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Sat, September 7 2024 4 Elul 5784