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Social Action/Tikkun Olam Community Bulletin Board


Name Type of Opportunity Contact information 
Dollar For Help Crush Medical Debt by gathering financial information from websites Lisa Rogers
Live in Peace Donation opportunity to help people who might get evicted  Ivan Temes
IsraAID Food Distribution IsraAID Volunteer Opportunities in the Bay Area IsraAid
WeHOPE Laundry Pod Drive Donation opportunity for Laundry Pods to give homeless brothers and sisters a fresh start through laundry services Dina Baretello
Healing Across the Divides Donation opportunity for improving health for Palestinians and Israeli's as a path for peace building Kate Lorig
Etz Chayim Holiday Dinner  Donation opportunity for Second Harvest Mark Lee
Jewish Coalition for Literacy Volunteer Reading Tutor Outreach Corinne Jaffe-Gellman

Help people become healthy, employed and housed using innovative solutions.

Dina Bartello
Fire Relief  Donation opportunities to help familes who have lost everything in the fires. Ted Schachter
Bend the Arc South Bay

Volunteer opportunities to write Letters, Post Cards, and Phone Calls to get people to vote.  

Lisa Rogers
Resistance Labs Volunteer opportunity to send texts for voter registration and other issues. Tatiana Granoff
Sunnyvale Community Services Volunteer and donation opportunities at local food bank and social services agency. Sharon Solomon
IsraAid Donation opportunities for crisis relief around the world Sharon Solomon
WomenHeart Knitting Red Scarves for Women who have had heart attacks

Sarah Schachter

Menlo Spark Donation opportunity for climate neutrality Mitch Slomiak
Sunday Friends Donation opportunity for school supplies Abra Greenspan
Palo Alto Silent Protest Against Systemic Racism Silent protests along El Camino on Sunday Afternoons With Spark Church
Get Us PPE Make phone calls to match PPE donations with hospitals, senior facilities, clinics, etc. that need the Shelly Fisher Fishkin
Ladle and Leaf's Farm Fresh to You  Buy food from restaurant so it stays in business and feeds people who need help Lisa Alexander
San Mateo County Strong Donation opportunity for county services Lisa Alexander


In addition to the bulletin board, you can also look through a pre-compiled local resources list.


The Etz Chayim Areivut Committee is an umbrella committee and focal point for the community support and social justice work we do at Etz Chayim.

Areivut (עריבות) translated from Hebrew, means "responsibility” or guarantee -- responsibility to one's community and responsibility to the world. 


Contact the Team Leaders below if you want to be on the impact team and plan activites.


Bulletin Board Items from Areivut Committee:

Areivut Impact Teams Type of Opportunity More information from EtzNik
Areivut (Community Responsibility) Committee Contact impact team leaders and plan activities  Ted Schachter
Mitzvah Chavurah Support people when they are ill and during Shiva minyans Sue Weber and LIz Shane
Mitzvah Singers Visit local senior residences and other small group visits to sing Karen Bergen and Sarah Macalusco
Jewish and Israel Action (JIAC) is a group of congregants who are proud and inspired by the accomplishments and contributions of Israel and Jews.  Martin Griss
Anti-Racism New emerging issue Areivut Committee
Housing Impact Team Work on short and long-term initiative to provide safe and affordable housing David Bergen and Lisa Ratner
Food for the Hungry Impact Team Conduct regular fundraising drives for Second Harvest and canned food drives for Ecumenical Hunger Project Mark Lee
Immigration Impact Team Support new Americans and refugee resettlement Dana Kornfeld
Manzanita Coalition Participate with other institutions to improve the lives of Bay Area workers and their families Kate Lorig
Youth Activites/Involvment Engage in hands on tikkun olam projects Abra Greenspan and Henry Shane



Dollar For

Help crush medical debt: Donation and Volunteer Opportunities  

Submitted by Lisa Rogers


Dollar For - Help Crush Medical Debt

I've been volunteering with Dollar For, a 501c3 (non-profit) organization that helps patients get medical debt forgiveness (a/k/a "charity care"). Non-profit hospitals are legally required to provide free or discounted care to patients whose income is below certain poverty levels, but the process of getting this assistance can be complicated. That's where Dollar For helps. So far we've helped get over $4 million of debt written off and there's lots more to do.

Would you like to help? Right now we're seeking volunteers to help gather hospital financial assistance policy information. You look up this info on hospital websites and record it in a simple online form. It will become part of a website that asks patients to answer a few questions to instantly determine if they are eligible for assistance and should do a formal application.

Training sessions are less than an hour and take place on Zoom. Dollar For asks volunteers to commit to gathering policies from at least 20 hospitals, which typically takes about 2 hours. That's all. You do need a computer with internet access.

If you're interested, please contact me. And thank you for listening.

Lisa Rogers - lisa@stellarfire.com



Donation Opportunity to raise money for the First of the Month Fund for families who face eviction due to loss of jobs 

Submitted by Ivan Temes


Donation Opportunity to help families with RENT

#FirstOfTheMonth is a campaign created by three local organizations to address the most urgent need identified by our most vulnerable neighbors–RENT.

Your donations support families, already identified by the Kafenia, Live In Peace, and Dreamers Roadmap social networks.

We have rapidly created processes for the collection and distribution of cash assistance to individuals, relying on the power of neighbors supporting neighbors to meet needs as they arise.

Thousands of neighbors in our community are currently unemployed due to COVID-19. Many are one bill away from losing their home or not having groceries. We are supporting 300+ already identified East Palo Alto, Menlo Park, Redwood City and Palo Alto families of color, mostly working in the service industry, with rent and cash assistance. Many potentially face months of joblessness as shelter in place continues.


Volunteer Opportunities for Food Distribution at Oracle Stadium, San Francisco and Mission College in Santa Clara

Submitted by Sarith Honigstein, Senior Director of Operations, IsraAID 


IsraAID Volunteer Opportunities in the Bay Area

We wanted to share with you our new food assistance volunteer opportunities in the SF Bay Area for 2021 and thank you in advance for helping us promote these throughout the Etz community.In addition to our weekly Friday operation at Oracle Stadium in SF, IsraAID is looking to fill important gaps at the Second Harvest Food Distribution operation on Tuesdays, 8:30 am - 12:30, at Mission College in Santa Clara
This operation allows for groups (8-12 people) to work together as a team in loading up to 1000 cars (!!) during a single session. In SF, our regular volunteers have found great purpose and a wonderful community through their weekly activities over these past months. We've had volunteers of all ages come out as well as parents with their children. Also, teen volunteers are eligible to receive volunteer credits upcoming completion of volunteer shifts. Finally, all volunteer operations are in compliance with county, state and CDC guidelines. Please see volunteer shifts outlined in this google form.  
I'd love to talk about how we could get a Etz group out .
In the meantime, here's the info to get started:
1) Share your availability HERE. If you are no longer able volunteer, please let us know so that we can update your volunteer status. 
2) Sign your 2021 volunteer agreement HERE. * Please note, this also applies to existing volunteers who deployed with us in the previous year.  
3) Help spread the word and help recruit more volunteers! Here is the link to join. Attached please find our flyer. 

Sarith Honigstein, Senior Director of Operations
IsraAID (US) Global Humanitarian Assistance,
IncPO Box 61227, Palo Alto, CA 94306, USA

Tel: +1 650.930.9515, ext.701 | Fax: +1 650.206.4003 | Cell: +1 650.283.295


Laundry Pod Donations 

Submitted by Dina Bartello


Give our homeless brothers and sisters a fresh start with the gift of clean clothes.

Access to laundry services is a simple way to give our unhouse neighbors self-confidence and a sense of dignity. By donating laundry pods to WeHOPE's laundry/shower program you are not only providing a neighbor in need clean clothes, you are helping the in securing employment and housing. YOU are providing dignity.

There are two ways to donate:

  1. Drop off the laundry pod donation at Etz Chayim during the month of December
  2. Give on your own - Order through Amazon and have your donation delivered directly to WeHOPE. If you are an Amazon Prime member, delivery is free! WeHOPE, 1854 Bay Road, East Palo Alto, CA 94303.

WeHOPE provides over 13,000 loads of laundry a year to neighbors in need. That is 13.000 opportunities for a fresh start, and you have an opportunity to create those fresh starts!

For more information contact Dina Bartello at dbartello@wehope.org.

Healing Across the Divides

Donation Opportunity 

Submitted by Kate Lorig

Posted 11/24/2020

Healing Across the Divides

For several years I have been working with Healing Across the Divides, an apolitical organization that offers health programs to Palestinians and Israeli's in underserved communities. One of the program I helped create, the Chronic Disease Self-Management Program, has been offered in Gaza for serveral years. The program has help millions of individuals worldwide live healthier, full lives by improving how they cope with chronic disease, pain, depression, HIV and cancer..

Healing Across the Divides is committed to improving the health of marginalized Israelis and Palestinians.  HATD brings groups together to exchange ideas and to work together. They seek to increase the capacity and efficiency of local groups. Their method of working to improve health represents a pathway to peace building.  HATD is the only non-profit that provides funding and technical advice on health to both Palestinian and Israeli communities, and the only one that fosters cooperation between groups - a critical difference in these challenging times.

Kate Lorig
Self-Management Resource Center
650 242 8040 ex 4


Etz Chayim Holiday Dinner Drive for Second Harvest 

Donation Opportunity - Second Harvest

Submitted by Mark Lee

Posted 11/11/2020

Congregation Etz Chayim Holiday Dinner Drive:

This year has been difficult for all of us with Covid-19.  But many here in the Bay Area have been even MORE challenged to make ends meet, keep food on the table, and provide ongoing nourishment for their kids and themselves. To help those less fortunate, once again Etz Chayim will be participating in the Bay Area Holiday Dinner Drive this November, working with other area congregations in donating toward a "virtual food drive" for Second Harvest Food Bank. 

From now until December 4th, your donation of $18 provides enough for 36 meals (or $180 for 360 meals!) to those who face food insecurity, and we are hoping to continue as a leading congregation for this important Dinner Drive.

Donating is easy, and you can either make a tax deductible contribution directly to Second Harvest FoodBank on their website at  https://impact.shfb.org/give/t327982/#!/donation/checkout and complete the form. Or, you can send a check to the Etz Chayim office made out to Second Harvest, write Etz Chayim Dinner Drive on the memo line, write attn: Holiday Dinner Drive on the envelope.

Sponsored by Etz Chayim Arevuit Committee.


Jewish Coalition for Literacy

Volunteer Reading Tutor Outreach

Submitted by Corinne Jaffe-Gellman - cjgellman@jcrc.org

Posted 10/12/2020
Training Sessions in October and November

Here at Jewish Coalition for Literacy (JCL) we have pivoted to a new online reality as we continue our work of training volunteer tutors to assist struggling young readers in Bay Area public schools. Both our initial training session and tutoring now take place online.  

We know that so many are searching for meaning, purpose and connection in the new year, and would greatly appreciate your help in reaching potential tutors. JCL welcomes people ages 16 and up who are comfortable using a computer. We’ll teach the more specialized skills and resources.  

Currently, we have two scheduled online tutor-training sessions: 

  • Wednesday, October 21st, 4:00-6:00pm 
  • Wednesday, November 18th, 6:30-8:30pm 

We would be grateful if you would promote this volunteer opportunity to your congregants. The need is so great right now! An hour or two of individualized attention are all that’s needed to foster a love of reading and strengthen the essential skills for lifelong learning. 

Prospective tutors can register online at www.jclread.org/sign-up. Please don't hesitate to contact me if you have any questions. 

Thank you for your continued support. 

Corinne Jaffe-Gellman | Senior Program Manager Jewish Coaltion for Literacy
Monday - Thursday
131 Steuart Street, Suite 205, San Francisco, CA 94105



Donation Opportunities 

Volunteer Opportunities
Submitted by Dina Bartello

Posted 9/14/2020

Several of you have asked about volunteer opportunities at the organization I work at, WeHOPE. Here are a few ideas. We are also open to customizing an opportunity so don't hesitate to reach out to me with ideas or questions. We are working with Mark Lee, leader of the Food for the Hungry Impact Team to plan activities for the coming year.  

  • Preparing or serving dinner - this is a great group activity that can either be done onsite in our kitchen or can be done off-site. If done off-site you can gather your group and assign items to cook and each person can prepare their item in their kitchen. We have groups that do this via Zoom so that everyone is preparing the meal "together' but are physically distancing. They then drop the food off at the shelter and the WeHOPE staff serves it.
  • Planning a sock drive- socks are the most requested item in the homeless community.
  • Collect and assemble hygiene kits. This can be made into a Zoom activity as well. If you are interested in this opportunity let me know and I will get the common items that go into the kits.
  • Washing the outside of the hygiene vehicles and trucks. We can always use help to clean the vehicles on Sundays. If anyone is interested in being outside and doing physical activity.
  • Prepare peanut butter and jelly sandwiches for encampment residents. Again, this can be done onsite as a group or as a Zoom activity. WeHOPE staff take the sandwiches out to encampment residents.
  • We have a special Thanksgiving meal/party that we have every year the Thursday before the holiday. We have live music, a traditional meal and activities. If musicians and signers are interested let me know. We can have the event outside this year and plan for the musicians to be physically distanced.

The are also opportunities to donate money:

  • $20 Provides 10 individual bottles of hand sanitizer to homeless individuals
  • $30 Provides 24 hygiene kits to homeless individuals living in encampments
  • $50 Provides 10 nutritious meals to kids experiencing food insecurity
  • $75 Provides 53 - 1 gallon bottles of fresh water to individuals living in encampments
  • $100 Provides enough detergent to do 405 loads of laundry for those living without a home
  • $200 Provides a hand-washing station for 1 month to a homeless encampment
  • $850 Provides a 4-hour shower/laundry service session to individuals living without a home

If you are interested in organizing a group activity,  contact Dina directly or send a message to areivut@etzchayim.org and we will get back to you.





Fire Relief

Donation Opportunities 
Temple Beth El, Aptos (CZU Fire Fund)

Hebrew Free Loan  (Fire Relief Loans)

S.F.-based Jewish Family and Children’s Services   (Wildfire and Emergency Relief Fund)

Jewish Community Federation
 (Wildfire Emergency Fund) 

Jewish Federation of Silicon Valley. (Wildfire Relief Fund)

Submitted by Ted Schachter

Posted 9/2/2020

Temple Beth El is in Aptos and they have setup the Temple Beth El CZU Fire Fund because they have members impacted by the fire.  Generally, people need cash. 

The congregation has started a fund to support members who have lost everything  https://www.tbeaptos.org/payment.php?payment_type=donate&donation_type_id=6208705

They expect to be making distributions through December.

This article describes how local Jewish agencies are ready to provide fire relief. 

Hebrew Free Loan or (415) 546-9902 ext. 110. - Get help with immediate needs or longer-term recovery costs related to a natural disaster. Loans can be turned around within days

 S.F.-based  Jewish Community Federation -100% of the funds raised will be deployed in the fire-ravaged region.

S.F.-based Jewish Family and Children’s Services or (415) 449-3700. (Wildfire and Emergency Relief Fund)  

Jewish Federation of Silicon Valley - Wild Fire Relief Fund. (Wild fire Relief Fund) https://www.jvalley.org/





Election Team for Bend the Arc Jewish Actions

Volunteer Opportunities to write letters, postcards, phone calls. You can sign up on our website.

Submitted by Lisa Rogers

Posted 8/21/2020

Bend the Arc Jewish Action is a movement of tens of thousands of progressive Jews all across the country. We stand up for immigrants and other marginalized communities, oppose white supremacy, and fight for criminal justice reform and economic equity. Our local chapter covers the Peninsula and South Bay.

Most importantly, right now  we are working to get out the vote, especially in places with a record of voter suppression and swing states. Here are some of the activities we're currently offering. We will be adding more before the election. You can sign up on our website or talk to me anytime to find out more. In all cases, no prior experience is necessary and you can do as much or as little as you like.

1. Write letters to encourage under-represented or unlikely voters in swing states to vote. We have a "virtual letter-writing party" on Zoom every other Wednesday at 7:30 -- with nice people and interesting discussion -- or you can do it on your own time.

2. Write postcards or make phone calls for Reclaim Our Vote, which helps voters of color in voter-suppression states get registered, get ballots, and get to the polls. ROV is affiliated with the NAACP and Mi Familia Vota. Again, we do postcarding or phone banking parties together on Zoom, or you can do it on your own. Possibly adding text-banking soon.

We also welcome suggestions for other get-out-the-vote activities. Send your ideas to Lisa Rogers.


Sunnyvale Community Services 

Volunteer Opportunity and 
Donation Opportunity at Sunnyvale Community Services

Donation Opportunity - IsraAid

Submitted by Sharon Solomon

Posted 8/20/2020

I volunteer regularly at Sunnyvale Community Services, a local food bank and social services non profit.

Founded in 1970, Sunnyvale Community Services is an independent, nonprofit emergency assistance agency assisting residents in Sunnyvale and the Alviso neighborhood of San Jose. Their mission is to prevent homelessness and hunger in our local community.

We also donate to IsraAid in addition to other organizations.  Their mission is to support people affected by humanitarian crisis. They partner with local communities around the world to provide urgent aid, assist recovery, and reduce the risk of future disasters.




Knitting Scarves for Women Heart

Volunteer Opportunity for WomenHeart

Submitted by Sarah Schachter

Posted 8/20/2020

Knitting Scarves for WomenHeart

The scarf I received means a lot to me.  As a WomenHeart champion, I get to give them to new women who join our group.

Since I am in the area, if you can get the scarves to me I will send them to the address that is provided. Please know how important this scarf will be to a woman who is newly diagnosed with heart disease. Your scarf will be sterilized and sealed. WomenHeart in D.C. will send it out to WomenHeart chapters in the US and Canada. It could even be sent to our chapter. I just ordered 20 scarves for our chapter.

If you want more information about WomenHeart their email is WomenHeart.org. If you are a woman with diagnosed heart disease, and want to know about the El Camino chapter, please contact me and I can give you more information.


Menlo Spark 
Donation Opportunity  

Submitted by Mitch Slomiak

Posted 8/20/2020

I co-founded this non-profit which intends to move the Menlo Park community toward climate neutrality and share best practices with as many other small cities as will listen. I’ve been working on local climate action for about 12 years and my efforts include education, mentoring, strategic collaborations, supervision of an outstanding Executive Director, and much more. 





Volunter Opportunity
"Sign Up To Text" or Donation Opportunity

Submitted by Tatiana Granoff

Posted 8/18/2020

Resistance Labs - Sign up to Text

I am working with ResistanceLabs.com,They provide tech support and texters for all kinds of progressive groups, I have worked on both political issues (voter registration, absentee ballots, GOTV) across the country and have done a lot of texting to encourage participation in the Census by traditionally undercounted communities. 

This has been very rewarding as people respond to texts and often with surprising warmth. ( I am on an app, not using my cell or my number)

I have had truly heartwarming exchanges...and heartrending ones as well in this COVID time. Sometimes it seems I have reached someone who is really isolated and it just feels like a mitzvah.


Sunday Friends

Volunteer and Donation Opportunities

Submitted by Abra

Posted 8/9/2020

Annual Tikkun Olam Sunday Friends School Supplies Drive

Now through August

The need still exists in our communities. Our annual summer Sunday Friends School Supplies Drive is on. This year, the greatest needs are character backpacks and lunchboxes (e.g. Frozen, Marvel comics, etc.) and calculators! The Sunday Friends Treasure Chest store has gone online. Click here to learn more.

Families make online orders to pick up at the weekly drive-thru distribution centers. While we are not actually collecting items at our Etz Chayim building, there are three ways to donate: 1) Sunday Friends are able to receive physical donations at their office location on Friday and Sunday mornings. 2) You can order items to be delivered to their offices. 3) Cash donations are also greatly appreciated and will be applied to the purchase of school supplies. Whatever method works for you, let's continue our annual summer tradition of helping to make the world a little bit better.


Palo Alto Silent Protest against systemic and individual racism

First Sunday of the month from noon to 1 pm

In  conjunction with Spark Church

Updated 4/8/2021

On the first Sunday of the month, from noon to 1 pm, we will again stand silently with posters to send the message to our community that we must work together against racial injustice. It is both a protest against systemic and individual racism and a way of standing in solemn solidarity with our Black brothers and sisters, who have been subjected to injustice and violence for far too long.

We will focus our attention on the intersection of California Ave. & El Camino Real in Palo Alto, but as more people choose to take part, we will again spread out among various intersections along El Camino Real in Palo Alto, both to maintain social distancing and to extend the messaging to people as they drive along El Camino

For more information, you can refer to the info sheet: Palo Alto Silent Protest - Spring 2021  For now, signups aren't needed.   

Contact: Mark Arevalo  




Volunteer Opportunity

For more information about GetUsPPe.org  

Submitted by Shelly Fisher Fishkin 

Posted 6/28/2020

I don't know whether Etz Chayim ever shares worthwhile volunteering opportunities with congregants. If so, I though I'd encourage you to share this one. I just sent this info to some family and friends with the subject line, 'something to consider doing if you have a few hours to help with the Covid-19 crisis.'

I volunteered this week with “Get Us PPE” an organization created to help match sources of PPE donations with hospitals, senior facilities, clinics, etc. that need them.

They need more volunteers. The training took an hour on Sunday (they’ll do it at a time that works for you—its with a small group on zoom). Then you get lists of organizations to phone and a form to fill out with their needs. GetUsPPE then tries to fill their needs from the information you help them gather. A lot of your calls just end up reminding a clinic to return the survey they were sent to update their needs via email. And some say they don’t need any more PPE. But one person I called who’s in charge of 28 mobile COVID-19 testing units in Colorado had me report that they had a desperate need for 200 disposable gowns. So sometimes what you do can make a difference,

Anyway, the volunteer commitment they’re looking for is 5-6 hours. I did most of the calls I were assigned in about 4 hours yesterday. You need to call back numbers up to 4 times before giving up. I wanted to encourage you - if you have some time on your hands and a cell phone - to consider volunteering. You can volunteer at the second link below.

No obligation. Just thought I’d share this. Also, please feel free to share it with people you know and with any organization that could help them get volunteers.


Food is my personal Tikkun Olam Project

Ladle and LeafCommunity Food Support with Ladle and Leaf

Donation opportunity:
San Mateo Strong

Submitted by Lisa Alexander 

Posted 6/28/2020

These are a few ways I am involved in local efforts:

Community food support:  I buy a box of produce and other items from " Ladle and Leaf's Farm Fresh to You" which has reduced our family's trips to grocery stores. I always add a small donation that helps them to feed the community. I think there are many other services that also give back to our communities.

Several churches and at least one synagogue (Beth Jacob in Redwood City) are providing information about how to buy food for our families, support a local business, and help individuals as well as St. Anthony's food programs.  Ladle and Leaf (San Francisco Soup Compan;y) have had to close all but one of their retail eateries and they are keeping as many employees as possible working from a central kitchen. You can buy TP, masks, gloves, large bags of flour and packages of yeast, as well as soup, salads and sandwiches. Everything we've tried has been tasty and healthy - well, I have not tried their cookies! They can take orders as late as the night before.

You can also donate to San Mateo Strong: You can choose to help individuals/families, small businesses, non-profits or wherever the need is greatest.


Tue, March 11 2025 11 Adar 5785