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Shabbat Services

Shabbat Evening Services are held every Friday at 7:30 p.m. and last about an hour. People of all ages are welcome and encouraged to attend. Immediately following the service we have an Oneg ("delight") at which we say Kiddush (consecrating Shabbat with wine) and enjoy a light snack.  The Oneg is a wonderful opportunity to chat, catch up with old friends and make new ones!

Fifth Friday
When a month has five Fridays, we celebrate with a special service. Fifth Fridays usually involve musical instruments and a theme. Examples of our Fifth Friday service themes include The Beatles, Bluegrass, Leonard Cohen, Folk Rock, Hand-Bells, Broadway Melodies, Simon & Garfunkel, Peter, Paul & Mary, and Camp Song Shabbat. Keep an eye on our Home Page for Fifth Friday announcements!


Shabbat Morning Services are held every Saturday at 10:15 a.m., and with Torah reading, last about two hours. Everyone is welcome to attend Saturday services, including services that celebrate a Bar or Bat Mitzvah. We invite all to join us for the Oneg luncheon following the service. When there is no Bar/Bat Mitzvah, the Oneg is a lighter snack, but still offers an opportunity to connect with others in a relaxed social setting. 

Families are welcome to bring young children to evening or morning Shabbat services. We have picture  books and quiet toys available at the back of the sanctuary so our youngsters can remain immersed in the service environment while otherwise engaged. However, if you find you need to leave early, arrive late or step out of the sanctuary with your children, we understand and appreciate your help in maintaining a worshipful atmosphere.

We generally have member-led Shabbat services once per month, usually the 3rd Friday and Saturday of the month.

 Contemplative Services are held monthly on Shabbat morning for about two hours.  This is a small service led by member Wendie Bernstein Lash for those wishing an alternative to the faster-paced regular Etz Chayim service. We follow the basic structure of the Shabbat service, but focus on fewer prayers, and on the essence or kavannah ("intention") of each of those prayers. The prayers are chanted or sung to some familiar and some new melodies. Sometimes there is a meditation offered and there is time for a personal experience of the amidah. The service concludes with a healing prayer and Kaddish and is usually held on the 4th Saturday, but check the calendar for the current schedule.  There is a Google group email list for reminders and announcements. Ask the office to give you the sign up details. 

Torah Study is held every Saturday morning, before Shabbat services, from 9:00 - 10:00 a.m. Everyone is invited to participate—the books are in English or English and Hebrew, and the discussion is in English. No prior experience, knowledge, or preparation is necessary. It is led by Rabbi Koritzinsky most weeks, on member-led Sabbaths, a member of the group is the leader.  


Tue, March 11 2025 11 Adar 5785